Wondering - is it up to the market to decide?
Is it up to the market to decide?
I used to think that one day I would have all the answers. Now I realise that no one anywhere ever really has all the answers.... so keep wa(o)ndering!
Blog Principles;
Nearly all progress stands on the shoulders of others, acknowledge this directly wherever possible, and if necessary in retrospect
It is possible both to hold a passionate view and to have respect
If you can’t decide on writing something, then ask yourself – what is ultimately in the best interest of the customer or citizens our assets serve?…and then have the courage to write it.
Sales often help fund development and people need to know what's available 'out there', but a blatant sales pitch hardly ever moves anything on.
A Director, Principal Consultant, Wonderer & Wanderer
Fellow Wanderers
Ruth is Director of Training for AMCL USA, and a Board member of Talking Infrastructure. She is a former director of the IAM and was GM of Strategic Asset Management at NSW RailCorp. She recently co-wrote the guide to Building an Asset Management Team with Lou Cripps of RTD Denver.
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